fredag 21 mars 2008

jag är en liten tjuv...

jag snodde den här från min katt och den är himla rolig faktiskt

jag utmanar er alla att göra detta:

1. Put you music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn't make sense.

Will it be ok? framåt är bakåt och bakåt är fel
How are you feeling today? every morning
How do your friends see you? Flickan från det blå
Will you get married? Superman
What is your best friend's theme song? tu es fotu
What is the story of you life? Hallelujah
What was high school like? Fighter
How can you get ahead in life? one day I´ll fly away
What is the best thing about you friend? weakness in me
What is tonight going to be like? Bomb!
What is in store for the remainder of this week? does your mother know
What song describes you? She works hard for the money
To describe you grandparents? little bit
How is your life going? am I wry? No
What song will they play at you funeral? Rock ´n roll highschool
How does the world see you? Geisha dreams
Will you have a happy life? Everything is everything
What do your friends really think of you? Dare
Do people secretly lust after you? Above the candystore
How can I make myself happy? Queen of the world
What should you do with your life? the winner takes it all
Will you ever have children? if it makes you happy

nu ska jag verkligen gå och lägga mig gott folk... puss!

1 kommentar:

Madeleine sa...

Will you ever have children? if it makes you happy

hahahah. bra där